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Huntsville Roofers Asphalt shinglesThere are a number of different choices available in terms of roofing but the most popular option for American homes is shingles. Shingles have become so popular because of their flexibility, affordability and practicality.


Shingles are found on top of all sorts of homes because there are a wide variety of options available in terms of their appearance and properties. Whatever look you’re going for you should be able to find a fitting shingle type.


To help you get started in this article we will look at some of the most popular and useful kinds of roofing shingles, including asphalt, wood, fiberglass and tile.




When you think about shingles there’s a good chance you’re picturing asphalt shingles in your mind. That’s because asphalt shingles are the most popular type of shingle on the market. Their popularity can be attributed to the fact that many feel they offer the best cost-benefit ratio, since they are fairly cheap but can still be trusted to do their job well for decades. They are also the easiest to install and work on yourself, so if you are a hands-on type then you should definitely consider them.


If you want to save money asphalt shingles are the way to go but there are some trade offs involved. While they can usually be trusted to last for more than 20 years other shingle types last even longer. You also want to be careful installing them in areas that experience dramatic weather, because they can be damaged by temperature swings, hail and other extreme weather.




Before the asphalt shingle there was the wood tile. These tiles look very similar to asphalt tiles except wooden tiles look more organic, which is a big selling point for people who want a more traditional looking home that harken back to past centuries. Most people who choose wood shingles do it because they want a sturdy roof that will look good with the rest of the house.


If treated properly wooden shingles can last for a long time but you have to be willing to invest in them. To start off with wooden shingles are more expensive to buy and install than asphalt shingles, and if you don’t take care of them they are susceptible to rot and insect damage. But if you are willing to invest in them they can be beautiful and long-lasting




Aside from the flat asphalt and wood tiles that have been popular in America there are also tile shingles, which have been used widely around the world and are getting more and more popular every year in the USA. You probably know this look from the red and rounded clay tiles popular in Spanish and southwestern home designs but these shingles can be used on homes across the US.


It’s important to understand that this type of shingle refers to a design type rather than a material type, different materials from traditional clay to modern polymers are used and the type of material you choose will determine how it will perform. Quality tile shingles are the longest lasting and most expensive shingle type available. While the price tag may seem high you need to keep in mind that the right tile shingles can last for a century.


Picking The Right Shingles


Looking at the three most popular types of shingles is enough to get you started on the topic but remember that there are a lot of decisions to make even if you choose one of these three types. Each type of shingle comes in a variety of different options to fit a range of budgets and designs. Ultimately you want to find shingles that fit the budget and look you are going for in your home.


The right shingles can keep your home attractive and well protected for decades to come, make sure you choose a shingle material and design that you can trust to do the job right.

Give us a call 256-325-2277, or email us for a free roof inspection