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3776 Sullivan St. Madison, AL 35758

Licensed, Insured & Bonded

roofers working on a roofIf you need to hire a Huntsville roofing company, you want to make sure that you are going with one that has your best interests in mind. You also want a company with the experience and education to make sure you get what you need done. In order to narrow down the field, it is best to ask some questions to the prospective company before hiring them to do the job. Here are some of the top questions you want to ask them, along with the answers that would be ideal to hear as a response.

Questions, and Answers You Need From A Prospective Huntsville Roofer

The first question you should ask is about licensing. You want to make sure the company is licensed to do the job you want them to do. The ideal answer is yes, they are licensed here in the area, plus they have licenses outside the area you live in. That way, you know that they were good enough to go out and get work in other areas as well.

Next, you want to know about what type of insurance coverage they offer. You want a company that is able to cover any accidents that may happen. You never want to think about it, but if one of the Huntsville roofing company employees was to get hurt at your home, do you have the ability to cover that bill to help them recover? Unfortunately, most homeowners do not have that type of ability. The answer you are hoping to hear is that the company has both liability insurance plus workman’s comp insurance to help, just in case.

You want to ask the company in question what happens to your old roof. Ideally, you want to hear that they will bring a container for the refuse to your property. You also want to hear that they will talk to you about where to place it. They should clean up at the end of each day, and remove the old roofing debris when the job is complete. If you hear something other than this, you may want to be a little leery.

You should ask the company what type of warranty your roofing material offers, plus what type of warranty they offer. The best answer is one that has no hesitation. Your roofing materials should have many years of warranty, such as 10, 15, 25, or 50 years. The company should also provide you with many years of warranty on the work that they do. Granted, this often comes with the expectation that you will maintain your roof, but that is to be expected.

Finally, you want to talk to the prospective roofing company about what they will do should they encounter a problem. Some companies will fix it and bill you for it later, and that is not what you want. What you want to hear is that if any type of a problem is found, they will come and talk with you about how you want to proceed. This is going to make a difference in the cost, so you should have a say. If, however, you go with a Huntsville roofer that gave you a price that includes any problems they may encounter, not talking to you is acceptable.

Go with the Right Answers Before Picking the Right Company

You want to get the best answers possible when it comes to picking the right Huntsville roofing company to do the job. Don’t rely on the price, rely on the people who truly know what they are doing so you can be sure to get the job done right.

Give us a call 256-325-2277, or email us for a free roof inspection and Free Estimate

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