Why You Need to Patch Your Roof Before the Heat Intensifies
As most people have heard, this summer is supposed to be incredibly hot all over the southern portion of the U.S. So, that means that here in Huntsville, we are going to have days that are only good for sitting inside in the air-conditioned comfort of our homes, or...
How to Customize the Look of Your Roof
If you have had any thoughts about how bland your Huntsville roofing maybe looking, or it doesn’t stand out among your Huntsville neighbors? Then you may want to consider things that you can do to customize how your roof looks. This becomes especially poignant if you...
Benefits OF A Cement Roof
Have you been considering what type of roofing materials to use when your roof needs replacing? There are many types of roofing material options to choose from. One of the more overlooked materials is cement. That’s right, the same cement that is used on sidewalks and...
Maintain Your Huntsville Roofing Before the Summer Heat Hits
It is important that you take care of your roof before the heat of the summer is upon us. The last thing you want to do is to go up on your roof when it’s 95 degrees outside, or worse. There are a few specific things you can do now to help your roof last longer and...
Checking Your Roof After a Springtime Storm
Huntsville is known for some of its storms. If you reside in Huntsville, it could mean that your roof may be damaged by springtime storms. There are many ways a roof can become damaged by a storm, including flying debris, strong winds, and even heavy rain or hail. If...
Best Ways to Help Your Roof Last Longer
Having your roof last as long as possible, is the goal of many homeowners. They want a roof that can be put on, and not need any major repairs for many years. There are things that you can do to help give your roof as much longevity as possible. If you keep up with...
Signs You Have Critters In Your Attic
Your roof has many responsibilities, but its biggest and most important job is to cover and protect what’s beneath it. While we all appreciate a watertight roof over our heads, we aren’t the only ones who do. Animals also like being safe, warm, and out of the elements...
What You Need to Know To Maintain Your Roof This Spring
Spring is a great time to see what is going on with your roof. You may have had a rough time during the winter where there were a lot of very cold nights. These impact your roof, and can even cause damage to your roof. When the weather warms up in the spring, you...