Don’t Neglect the Smaller Aspects of Your Roof
A lot of homeowners are vigilant about looking up at their roofs for issues with shingles, but they do not take the time to look at the other aspects of their roof. There is more to your roof than just a sheet of shingles tacked into the roof to keep the weather out....
Things to Consider Prior to a Roof Replacement
If your roof is at the end of its lifespan or the warranty is basically up, and you are now facing a total roof replacement, there are a few things you need to speak with your Huntsville roofers about before they begin the job. Instead of simply having them go up,...
What to Do When Your Shingles Start to Curl Up
Your roof is one of the most important components of your home. It keeps the weather out, and the heat or warmth in, depending on what Mother Nature is tossing at you that day. You need to make sure that you are paying close attention to your roof in order to stave...
How Often Should You Get Your Roof Inspected?
Do you know how often you should have Huntsville roofers over to inspect your roof? Is it a yearly thing, or maybe every few years? Or perhaps it is only as you see the need? The fact of the matter is that every roof is slightly different. Some of the time, you can...
Does Your Roof Only Need Repairs or a Full Replacement?
Standing back and looking at the roof of your house, you can tell it has seen better days. It may or may not be leaking a little bit, but if it is not leaking yet, you can tell that it will in the near future. So, does that mean that you can get away with repairing...
Granules In Your Downspouts: What Is Your Roof Trying to Say?
Have you noticed that you have granules or small pebbles coming out the end of your downspouts? That’s the sign of a problem with your roof, but do you know what the problem is? When you start to see those little pebbles coming out of your downspouts after the rain,...
April Showers Bring May Flowers – Is Your Roof Ready?
Springtime can mean a lot of rain, but it can also be a prime time to have leaks start up in your roof. These often occur where there has been a lot of freezing and thawing, as that ice can push up shingles and cause damage underneath. If you aren’t sure if your home...
Spring Cleaning For Your Huntsville Roof
With spring right around the corner, it's time to start thinking about spring cleaning. This doesn't just mean sprucing up the interior of your home or picking up debris lying in your yard. An extremely important, yet often overlooked, area that should be high on your...