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If your roof is more than ten years old, you should better replace the entire roof. Trying to repair a roof that is more than a decade old can end up being costly. You would be better off replacing an old roof instead of repairing the roof.

Not all roofing decisions are cut and dry. This is particularly true when deciding whether to replace or repair the roof. Replacing your roof too soon will waste money. But waiting too long could extend the damage to the house.

Which decision you should take depends on many different factors. Here are some tips recommended by Huntsville Roofing experts regarding whether to go for a roof repair or a replacement.

1. Roof Age

The age of your house roof should be the foremost consideration when deciding whether you should repair or replace the roof of the house.

Consider getting your roof repaired if it was installed less than a decade ago. Generally, newer roof shingles are less brittle making them easier to repair.


2. Extent of Damage

Another important consideration when deciding whether to repair or replace the roof is the extent of the damage. A hail or wind damaged roof generally requires replacement, irrespective of its age.

You should replace the roof whether a portion or the entire roof has been damaged by the wind or hail. This is because the wind may have removed a section of the roof that is not visible. Not repairing the roof could result in major structural damage.

The damage caused by the wind and hail may become apparent immediately or after a few years. The more you wait, the greater will be the damage to the roof. If your house roof has been damaged by wind or hail, you should hire a licensed Huntsville Roofing Company for roof replacement.

3. Granules of Asphalt Roof

If you have an asphalt roof installed, you should look at the granules near the downspout or near the gutters. Dark granules indicate that the roof is beyond repair and should be replaced. It is a sign that the shingles of asphalt are breaking down. A slight hail or storm could make them start to crumble due to which you should consider replacing the entire roof.

4. Plan to Sell or Remain in the House

Do you plan to sell or remain in the house? If it’s the former, you might get away by just repairing the roof. In contrast, if you plan to stay in the house, you should replace the roofing sooner instead of later.

One important thing to consider when repairing the roof is that the shingles must be a close match to the existing ones. Patchy jobs can decrease the appeal of the house when up for sale.

Now that you know when to repair and replace the roofing, an important question is what is the best time to replace the roof? Ice and snow during the winter make it difficult to replace the roof. In the colder months, sealant won’t stick for long and roof shingles will take a long time to set. Therefore, it’s advisable that you wait till the warmer months to replace your roof. Unless it’s an important repair, you should also leave all the repairs as well till the winter ends.

A new house roof is a major expense that lasts for decades. You need to properly maintain the roof and make the necessary repairs immediately. This will ensure that your house roof lasts for a long time saving you a lot of money. The above tips will allow you to decide when it’s best to repair and when to replace the entire roof.