Getting a satellite allows you to have a wide range of viewing options from all around the world. You can watch anything from local channels to something being broadcast live on the other side of the globe. Some people use posts to mount the dishes in their yards, it is much more common to use the roof of your home as the source of stability for your satellite dish. This allows you to be able to get a stronger signal since your dish is going to be able to remain more stable when wind and odd weather hits, but you need to make sure you keep your roof structure intact.
Sealing Your Roof After Installation is a Necessity
Some companies that do satellite installations do put a little bit of silicone on the screws before they put them into your roof, but this is not something that is followed across the board. Plus, you can also order an installation kit that you can put up yourself. If you do this, then you may not even recognize the need for this during the actual installation, which would then cause you to have to go and remove it, just to seal it, and put it back up again.
Instead, this is something you can have done by a professional roofing company. You can call in a roofing company for a new installation, or even when you have had your satellite dish, up on your roof for a number of years. They will come out, make sure that every aspect of your roof is able to keep water out, and help keep your home safe. They may do anything from applying asphalt sealant around the base of your satellite dish to putting a bead of caulk around the entire base and screws of the dish itself. It depends on a few different things, including:
- The surface area of the roof that is being taken up by the base of your dish.
- The condition that the roof was in before the dish was put up.
- The actual part of the roof that your dish is being connected to.
- If your roof needed extra support with 2 x 4s to keep your dish stable.
- The current condition of your roof.
If You Notice a Problem Around Your Dish
For those who have a satellite dish, up on their roof that never was sealed upon installation, you may want to make sure to ask your local roofing company to come out and take a look at what condition your roof is actually in. You may be lucky and have had very little water get into your attic space between the bottom of the dish and the roof itself, or you may have gotten some water in there that could cause your roof to become weak right where the dish is located. Taking the time to get this area inspected can save you a lot of money because you will have caught it now, before anything got any worse.
If you want to make sure that your roof is safe for your current, or future, satellite dish, get us involved. Your local Huntsville roofers can come out, check out what’s going on, and ensure that your roof is safe and your attic is kept dry. Gettingus involved before the installation is helpful, but it is not necessary for those with an existing installation. What is important is that you make us a part of what is going on with your roof now, and moving forward.
Give us a call 256-325-2277, or email us for a free roof inspection and Free Estimate
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