When you have a professional Huntsville roofing company come out and put a new roof on your home, you want it to last as long as possible. This means that you get the most out of the money you put towards your new roof. The best way to ensure that your roof lasts as long as possible is to maintain it. There are a few specific things that you can do to get the most out of your roof. Here are a few things that can help you get years out of your roof.
Make Sure You Inspect Your Roof Regularly
You want to go up and inspect your roof at least 2-4 times per year. If your roof tends to get damaged easily, you should do it monthly. What you want to do is go up on your roof and look around for anything that does not look right. This could be nails sticking out, shingles lifting up, debris up on your roof, or any number of little things. If you notice something that is off, make sure to address the problem right away. This helps keep your roof strong.
When a Shingle Has a Problem, Replace It
Shingles occasionally stick up or get damaged from the weather. It is expected to happen now and again. If you go up and notice you have a problematic shingle, fix it straight away. This keeps your roof from sustaining any type of damage, and protects your home by having a solid sheet that water cannot get through. When a shingle is damaged, take it out, replace it with a new shingle sheet, and make sure to tack it down. Then, make sure to seal off any holes left by roofing nails to keep water from getting into your home.
Make Sure the Roof and Gutters Are Always Clean from Debris
Debris can do a lot of damage to your roof. It can also hurt your roof if the debris piles up from your gutters. At least once a month, you should go up and remove anything from your roof and clean anything out of your gutters. This helps to keep your roof from having different parts of it rot, and keeps water from backing up on your roof. If water backs up on your roof, the water can push under the shingles and cause trouble.
Coating Your Roof Also Helps it Last Longer
Having your roof coated allows it to last longer as well. This coating keeps the shingles waterproof longer, plus it also helps to reflect back some of the UV rays beating down on your roof all day long. That way, your shingles take less damage, and stay strong longer. You should ask your Huntsville roofing company which coatings they offer and how long they are expected to last. The thicker the coating, typically, the longer it should last before it needs to be reapplied.
When you want your home to look great and remain safe from the weather as long as possible, it is important that you protect your roof. It is the umbrella over your home, protecting you from all of the objects that could come down and damage your home. Treat it with care and respect, and it will do the same for you and your family in return. If you do not feel comfortable climbing up on your roof, then call on your local Huntsville roofer. They can maintain your roof for you, sparing you the worry or uneasiness that comes with being up that high.
Give us a call 256-325-2277, or email us for a free roof inspection and Free Estimate
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