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Huntsville roofing skylight installationApart from being a great source of vitamin D, natural light can help improve your home’s energy efficiency and reduce your energy bills. That is why many residential and commercial properties have skylights installed on the roof. A skylight does not just improve the overall look and feel of your home, but it can also help save on energy costs. If you are thinking of contacting a Huntsville roofer for the installation of skylights, here are some skylight installation factors to keep in mind:

1. Location

The location of skylights matters. You need to have the skylight placed at the right place and in the right position to ensure that it lets in just the right amount of light inside your house. Here are some tips that will help you determine the right placement for your skylight.

House Blueprint

Take into account your home plan and ask your contractor what works in getting the most benefit out of the skylight. Remember that the amount of heat absorbed by the skylight will depend on the slope of the skylight. So, you should carefully consider the angle at which the skylight should be installed.


Make sure to select the right slope. A low slope or angle of the skylight will result in more absorption of solar heat during the winter months. But it will also lead to high heat being absorbed during summers. This will not be energy-efficient as your HVAC unit will have to struggle to keep your room at a comfortable temperature. You should position the skylight in a way that the heat absorption is neither too much nor too little. Huntsville roofing experts suggest a slop of about 10 degrees more as compared to the geographical latitude of a home.

Position of Rafters

Your home rafters will determine the placement of the skylight. You should look at the house building plan to know which sections of the roof should be cut for installing the skylight. This will help you pick the best location for the skylight.

2. Glass Type

You should know that there are different types of skylight glasses. Make sure to understand the risks, pros and cons of each before selecting one for your house. Remember, the skylight’s glass should not break easily in case a tree limb or rock falls on it. Tempered glass skylights can break easily. They are  not the right option if there are big trees around your property. The glass could shatter into small pieces if a tree limb falls on the skylight. There is also the danger that the glass pieces could injure someone if they fall to the ground. Huntsville roofing experts recommend skylights with laminated glass. Laminated glass is covered with a thick film that prevents the glass from falling upon impact with a heavy object. The price may be high but it will be worth it due to less risk in case the glass breaks.

3. Design

Skylights are available in different types, including fixed, vented, or tubular. Fixed skylights are similar to a window but installed on a roof. These fixed skylights don’t allow ventilation as they can’t be opened or closed. Some of the fixed skylights are shaped like a dome and are more energy-efficient. Double domed-skylights are recommended for dry and hot places as they can reduce cooling costs. Vented skylights are similar to fixed skylights but the only difference is that they allow ventilation as they can be opened and closed. You can open a vented skylight with a hand crank, push-button or remote. Newer models are powered by solar heat, making them more eco-friendly and convenient to install. You can also install transparent mosquito nets to prevent flies, mosquitos or other pests from entering your place when the skylight is open. Tubular skylights are in the form of a 10 to 15-inch diameter tube instead of a window similar to fixed skylights. These tubular skylights are covered with plexiglass, which has an illuminating effect of a 100-watt bulb. These types of skylights are perfect for large rooms. Make sure you contact an experienced Huntsville roofing company for the installation of skylights. An expert roofer will help you to select the best skylight for your house.  

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