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3776 Sullivan St. Madison, AL 35758

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It’s not easy to always figure out if you should get a new roof installation or if a few repairs would work. If your roof has severely deteriorated, repairs will cost you more in the long run than getting a new roof.

To help you decide, we interviewed some of the most experienced roofers in Huntsville here at Quality Roofing, LLC. Here are some ways to tell if you need a new roof.

A heavily deteriorated roof

1- Your Roofing is Damaged At Multiple Spots

If your roofing has localized damage, you probably just need repairs. Roofing can deteriorate faster at specific locations, such as from a tree branch rubbing against the roof or from improper flashing. However, if your roofing is completely damaged, you’ll probably be better off getting a new roof installed. You can tell this is the case if your roof leaks from multiple spots or if it has visible signs of deterioration.

2- Your Roofing is Past Its Expected Life Expectancy

If your roofing system is past its expected life, it’s probably time to install a new one. Maximum life expectancies are rated for ideal cases, so even if you’ve properly maintained your roofing, it’s unlikely that it has retained its integrity. Asphalt shingles have a life expectancy of 15 to 30 years. Other roofing materials have different life expectancies depending on the local environmental conditions in your area.

A house in Huntsville after a new roof installation


3- Your Repairs Cost More Than Half The Cost of a New Roof

If the estimate on your roofing repairs is up to or more than the cost of a new roof, it’ll probably serve you better to install a new one instead. You’ll probably find leaks and damage on other parts of the roof soon, even if you get it repaired. The costs can add up to more than the cost of a new roof within a decade.

With 22 years of experience in the industry, the team at Quality Roofing, LLC has the experience and expertise to help you figure out if your roof needs to be replaced or repaired. We also offer roof repair and roof installation Huntsville.

Get in touch with reliable roof inspection providers in Huntsville, AL right away!