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Building sustainable homes is a hot topic these days due to the increasing concern about the environment. Sustainable home projects involve using resources in a way that causes minimal damage to the environment.

Here are some sustainable roofing ideas that will help you play your part for the betterment of the environment.

1. Collect Rain Water on Roof

You can harness the roof for collecting water that can be used to irrigate the lawn. Consider modifying the drainage on the roof in a way that the water on the roof collects in a reservoir instead of emptying on the ground. This can help in reducing the demand on scarce water resources.

Collected rainwater can also be stored on sub-surface water reservoir through artificial recharge technique. This will help in meeting the needs of the household and reducing the water bill.

2. Vegetated Roofs

Contact an experienced Huntsville Roofer for a custom roofing project to install an extensive green roof. Vegetated roofs are the best option for improving the environment. You can install rain guards to keep rainwater on the roof in the plants and soils.

Creating rain guards will also prevent water from spilling to the streets. Standing water collects filth, which damages the environment. By creating a vegetated roof, you can minimize the damage done due to standing water. The roofing will also reduce air pollution and mitigate the effects of greenhouse gases, particularly in cities.

Vegetated roofs are installed directly on the roof. The roofs can be filled with the plants of your choice. You can have the plants cover a section of the roof or the entire roof. An experienced roofer can install a vegetated roof that will have a pleasant effect on the environment.

3. Solar Roofing

A great sustainable roofing idea is to install solar panels to power certain items such as automatic doors, outdoor lighting, and locks. You can also use solar panels to charge your backup inverter.

By installing solar panels on the roof, you can harness the rays of the sun and reduce the load on public utilities. The power generated by solar panels can also be fed back to the grid for additional income.

Make sure that you select the right solar panel for the roof. Mono solar panels are much more efficient in harnessing the rays of the sun. In addition, you should make sure that the solar panels are installed in the right direction. A professional Huntsville Roofing company will properly install the panels resulting in maximum power output.

4. Recycle Roof Material

Using recycled roof materials is another eco-friendly option for a roofing project. Recycled tiles and other materials can easily be salvaged from a demolished building. In addition, you can try unusual roofing options such as using aluminum cans as an alternative to regular tiles. Aluminum tiles are durable and affordable as compared to regular roofing material. 

5. Slate and Clay Tiles

If you want to use standard roofing material, you should select slate or clay tiles. The tiles are among the most eco-friendly roofing materials. They are natural, and they tend to last for up to a hundred years. Consider light colored tiles since they help in cooling the roof.

A roofing project should be left to the experts who have the required skills and experience. Avoid DIY roofing tasks since a roofing project deals with great heights. You can get injured while performing a roofing job yourself.

Make sure that you select a professional roofing company that has years of experience in completing high-quality roofing projects. The roofing expert will advise you on how to best go about with sustainable roofing projects.

Give us a call 256-325-2277, or email us for a free roof inspection and Free Estimate

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