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Huntsville roofers

Huntsville roofing replacement is a costly affair. Most homeowners find the costs of a roofing replacement project to be way above the budget. But you don’t have to spend a ton on replacing your old roof.

Here you will learn some tips on completing a roofing project on a budget without cutting corners with substandard materials.

1. Inspect the Warranty

Roofing manufacturers generally offer a warranty on materials. Before buying a new roof, you should double-check whether the existing roof is under warranty. Depending on the terms of conditions, you may be able to get the roof replaced for free or on a significant discount.

2. Time the Replacement Right

Roofing companies generally offer discounts during the late spring or winter. This is the time of the year when the demand is low, so roofing companies tend to offer great discounts. You can get a great deal if you get the roof replaced during the off-season.

3.  Buy the Right Roofing Material

Make sure that you buy the best roofing materials. Installing substandard roofing materials will result in high costs in the long run. Consider metal roofing that is durable, long-lasting, and relatively inexpensive as compared to slate, concrete, and synthetic roofing materials.

You should explore the pros, cons, and cost of each material before selecting one for your Huntsville roofing project. Apart from the upfront cost, you need to consider the lifetime costs when selecting a roofing material for your home.

4. Consider an Overlay

An overlay can also help you reduce shingle roof replacement costs. You should ask whether you can install the new shingles over the existing ones. Since the old shingles won’t be replaced, the roof replacement will require less labor and cost.

But you should be careful with overlays if the roofing material is under warranty. This is important since overlays can void the manufacturer’s warranty. 

5. Select an Experienced Roofing Contractor

You need to select an experienced roofing contractor. While you may be able to save money by hiring an inexperienced contractor, there may be problems later on that would require costly repair or replacement.

Experienced Huntsville contractors are fully aware of the local building codes. They have the skills and knowledge required to complete a roofing replacement project within the budget and time. So, it’s better that you get in touch with an expert Huntsville roofer even if the labor costs are slightly higher.

6. Communicate Properly with the Roofing Company

Make sure that you ask the right questions with your roofing company. Establishing an open line of communication with the contractor will increase the chances that the project gets completed within budget and time. You should clearly ask about the expected time of completion and costs. Express concerns about the project early on as it will be costly to resolve concerns later on.

Final Word of Advice!

Saving money on a roof replacement project is possible with the above tips. You should note that roofing problems may arise in some cases that may result in extra costs. Some of the issues that may crop up include water damage between the roof and the underlayment, wood rot, or mold damage. These issues need to be resolved before the roof can be replaced. Often these fixes are not mentioned in the roofing contract. That’s why it’s important that you have a contingency budget of up to 20 percent of the contract price for such repairs. Always speak with a professional Huntsville roofer for replacement of your roof. By paying a bit more for quality roofing material, you will save on repairs and replacement costs later on.

Give us a call 256-325-2277, or email us for a free roof inspection and Free Estimate

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