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Huntsville roofer

Did you know that asphalt shingles are the most popular roofing option in Huntsville, Alabama? Most homeowners prefer this type of roofing due to its cost and ease of maintenance. But metal roofing is also gaining popularity among homeowners. A lot of people are opting for roofing made of metal due to its durability and looks. In this blog post, you will learn the difference between the two types of roofing and know which is better out of the two.  

Asphalt Roofing

Asphalt roofing is a mixture of fiberglass and felt paper covered by an asphalt layer. The roofing layer is used for waterproofing. It is covered with ceramic granules for added protection. Most people prefer fiberglass-based asphalt roofing. The roof type is available in architectural and 3-tabbed shingle styles.  

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is a much more rugged roofing option made of metal. The roofing type can be made of multiple materials. The common types of metal roofing include corrugated metal, tin, steel, aluminum, zinc, and copper. The roofing option varies in terms of color, weight, style, and installation. Each of the different metal roofing options has different pros and cons. Copper and zinc roofs are the most rugged and durable. But they are also the most expensive type of metal roofing. Corrugated metal is an inexpensive option that has an acceptable lifespan between 70 to 90 years.  

Which is a Better Roofing Option?

Let’s compare asphalt and metal roofing to find out which of the two is a better option for Huntsville roofing.  

1. Cost

Metal roofing is more expensive as compared to asphalt roofing. But it outlasts asphalt roofing so it is a more cost-effective option. One metal roof can outlast two to three shingle roofs. This makes the roofing option cheaper in the long run. The upfront cost can be more but the high price of the metal roofing is worth it as it can outlast the shingle roof.  

2. Appearance

Asphalt and metal roofing are available in a wide variety of shapes and colors. You can select a roofing design that meets your aesthetic taste. Both shingles and metal roofing can be custom-made to match the overall décor of the house. But remember that some House Ownership Association (HOA) don’t allow metal roofing. The reason is that they look inconsistent with the existing houses. So, you should look at the HOA rules before selecting a particular Huntsville roofing option.  

3. Energy Efficiency

Metal roofs are more energy-efficient as compared to asphalt roofing. They are better at protecting against sunlight allowing your HVAC to work less in keeping the rooms at a comfortable temperature. So, installing metal roofing will result in energy savings. But metal roofing must be installed correctly by an experienced roofing expert. Inexperienced Huntsville roofers don’t know how to properly install metal roofing. As a result, air can leak outside due to which the house energy bills can increase rather than decrease.

4. Weight

Metal roofing weighs more as compared to metal roofing. The roofing option can reduce 200 pounds per square foot weight on the roof. Installing a metal roof will relieve stress on the roof maintaining the structural integrity of the house.

5. Maintenance

Maintaining a metal roof is much easier as compared to asphalt roofing. You will have to repair the asphalt roof after a major hail storm. Metal roofs will require much less maintenance resulting in cost savings. Always get the help of an expert Huntsville roofing contractor. Experienced roofers know how to properly install the roof. You will end up saving a lot of cost by hiring experienced contractors for asphalt or metal roofing installation.  

Give us a call 256-325-2277, or email us for a free roof inspection and Free Estimate

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