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roof with ice damsIce dams on the roof represent a serious hazard. Dams can damage shingles and gutters, while also causing water to build on the roof. The pooling of water on the roof can result in warped floors, peeling paint, and sagging ceilings. This can cause significant structural damage requiring costly repairs. Removing ice dams is important, as they pose a threat to people and pets. They can loosen and come crashing on the ground when the weather turns warm. Moreover, the expanding and contracting ice on the roof can cause severe damage to the roof shingles. In this blog post, you will learn some tips to remove ice dams formed on your roof. But if you really want to be thorough, contact a professional Huntsville roofing expert to make repairs to your roof damaged with ice dams.

1. Use a De-Icer Product

You can use a chemical de-icer product to remove ice dams from the roof. The products are easily available in a home improvement or hardware store. Just sprinkle the de-icer on the roof. The ice will melt slowly and drain in the gutter.

2. Heated Cables

Heated cables can help prevent ice dam formation. The cables are attached with clips along the roof in a zigzag pattern. Installing the heated cables will keep the roof warm and prevent ice dams from forming on the roof.

3. Use Calcium Chloride

Calcium chloride can work for quickly melting ice on the roof. The product is also used for melting ice on sidewalks and driveways. Fill legs of pantyhose with calcium chloride granules and tie off the ends using a string. A 40-pound bag of calcium chloride that you can buy for about $10 will fill 10 pantyhose. Lay the hose on the roof with part hanging from the gutter. The pantyhose will melt a channel through the tube that will allow water to run off the roof.

4. Huntsville Roofing Renovation to Prevent Ice Dams

Roofing renovation can allow you to avoid ice dams on the roof. The roof renovation can also help improve the energy efficiency of the house. Ventilating the roof ridge and edge is one way to prevent ice dam formation. Ridge and soffit vents can circulate cold air over the roof. The vents should have about a foot of opening for every 300 sq. feet attic. Moreover, you should place baffles at the roof eaves to maintain a clear path for airflow from the vents. Another roofing renovation tip to prevent ice dam formation is to cap the hatch. Apart from contributing to ice dam formation, will keep unsealed attic hatch allows significant heat to escape from the house. Capping the hatch in the attic with foil-faced foam boards patched using aluminum tape will prevent heat escape and keep the roof free from ice dams. This underside of the roof will be kept warm thereby hindering ice dam formation.

5. Spray Hot Water

Spraying hot water on the roof can provide immediate results. Pour hot water on the roof using a pipe  or a garden sprayer to loosen the ice. But you should note that the warm water will also turn into an ice dam. So, you need to use a rake to remove the ice from the roof.

6. Avoid Bad Practices for Ice-Dam Removal

Avoid bad practices when removing ice dams. Using a chisel or hammer to hack away at the ice can cause serious roof damage. Moreover, using salt to remove ice dams is also not recommended as it can damage plants and trees in the front or backyard. Always contact a professional Huntsville roofing company for roof repairs. Experienced professionals will use the right tools and techniques to repair a roof damaged due to ice dams. You can save a lot of money in the long run when you contact a professional roofing company in Alabama.  


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